Monday, January 2, 2012

Am I crazy???? I feel like sometimes I'm crazy. I watched a documentary just now called Inside Job. Now keep in mind that there are parts of this movie that I don't understand, but the parts that I did understand really pissed me off. I get so mad when I think that all I have is my common sense and still I can see whats wrong with this country. How in the world can we allow these bank people to give million dollar bonus while the people they are screwing are losing there houses, cars, and most likely there credit rating for the rest of there lifes? Its like the bailout, they give the banks millions to save them from  going bankrupt and then the bank gives them self a million dollar bonus.... Hows that work? That's like me giving someone $800 for there rent and I see them the next day out buying a new Xbox 360. I mean how mad would you be? But yet we let it happen. As long as people like that run Washington things will never get better, and how long can it go on before it all breaks down?  

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