Thursday, January 5, 2012


If honesty was an art it would be dead....But you know why it would be dead? Cause no one wants it. Lets be real honest I don't want people to be completely honest with me and I'm sure 99% of you don't either. I mean honestly do I think I'll keep up with this Blog? Probably not, it will be one of a hundred ideas and projects that I give up on and just move on to something else. And whats the one thing that scares me and everyone else about doing something for everyone to look at, honesty. People ask for you to be honest about things, but are you? Most of the time I'm guessing your not, and why? Cause you know how it feels when someone is honest with you. For example, one of the honest reply's I've got from a reader of this blog was "your punctuation and spelling are horrific" well I know that. I'm not writing this blog for English experts or scholars, was my first response but then I thought about it for a while, at least this person cared enough to take the time to read this and cared enough to be honest with me. So that got me thinking about truly being honest. there's a thin line between being honest and being mean. I'm about to do a review on a album that is very important to a friend of mine and I hope that he appreciates the honestly in the review and knows that I actually listen to it as a friend of  music and not just a friend of his.....

1 comment:

  1. Good lord, it can't be that bad, haha. Only thing I'll say regarding honesty, is that, obviously it's a very subjective thing. One mans trash is another mans treasure and all that...
