Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Don't tell me what to do......

Ok so I get that laws are put in place to protect people and I'm fine with that. Its when the law starts telling me what to do to protect myself. I'm a American adult if I don't want to wear a seat belt well that's up to me I'm only hurting myself. Its not hurting anyone else.... Now people will say what about your family and friends. What about them its not hurting them any more than if I drown swimming in a pool but as of now its not a law I have to wear floaties.... like I said as of now. Don't get me wrong long before it was a law I never rode in a car or drove without my belt on. But that doesn't mean I want the government telling me I have to. Kids should always be buckled up no matter what sure make that a law its hurting someone else if I wreck. And when that kids turns 18 and can make the decision to vote in the FREE WORLD leader or to pick up arms and kill someone for this country then they should be able to decide for them self if they want to wear a seat belt......

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