Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Overweight America

I had a couple points I wanted to make about this topic. If Americas are so overweight why is it so hard for bigger people to find normal clothes in normal stores? I won't lie I wear a xxl most of the time, but sometime I want a shirt a little bigger to just relax in or hang out. Well good luck with that. And if you do find one bigger why the hell do I have to pay an extra 2 dollars. Don't tell me it's because they use more material, if that was true why don't a large cost more that a small? And I can't believe that some fat lazy person hasn't tried to sue them yet for that. And that takes me to my next point. Why do fat people feel so sorry for themselves, now I know not all overweight people feel that way , but lets be real a lot do. And why blame anyone but yourself. I'm overweight, you know why? I like to eat food that taste great and I'm lazy. If I really wanted to lose weight I would stop spending what free time I have in front of this computer and start working out. The problem is it's so easy to make excuses not to lose weight. On a closing note...If Americas are so fat why is Hostess filing for bankruptcy????

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Internet Blackout

So I'm sure some of you today saw the Internet blackout that was going on with Google, Reddit, Wordpress,Wikipedia and many more.. Whats it mean?? Well lets take a look at it.  There are two laws that the U.S. government are trying to pass, Protect IP Act, PIPA for short and  Stop Online Piract Act, SOPA for short .  Now what these two laws do are really mess up the internet as we know it. Lets say that PIPA passes, Websites that the government deems  guilty of copyright infringement, they will force your internet provider to block these pages from you. Any website that has a link to said website will face legal action as well. Including and not limited to search engines, directories, and blog sites. Also they will force advertising service to pull all add from those pages. Now lets look at SOPA.  This bill basically work along side PIPA to act as a Black List for Mega corporations and the U.S. government, so they can pick and chose who get paid. IMAGINE THAT . So if after all that you still wonder how that effects you?? Well you know that cute video on you tube you love of that hot chick singing  that Katy Perry song you love. Well no more that's against the rules. Or the video you wanted to post of you doing that killer version of Tainted Love that you hope is going to make your band huge.....nope sorry. How about this Blog ? Sure it will stay up as long as I don't post anything bad about the government, or any large corporations. Also this would stop any site from opening that the government feel could one day online piracy could occur. I mean come on is this for real? It's sound like something out of a Sci-Fi movie where no one has the right to do anything. So if this bothers you at all please take a moment to sign this Petition to help site such as this one to live on. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012


If honesty was an art it would be dead....But you know why it would be dead? Cause no one wants it. Lets be real honest I don't want people to be completely honest with me and I'm sure 99% of you don't either. I mean honestly do I think I'll keep up with this Blog? Probably not, it will be one of a hundred ideas and projects that I give up on and just move on to something else. And whats the one thing that scares me and everyone else about doing something for everyone to look at, honesty. People ask for you to be honest about things, but are you? Most of the time I'm guessing your not, and why? Cause you know how it feels when someone is honest with you. For example, one of the honest reply's I've got from a reader of this blog was "your punctuation and spelling are horrific" well I know that. I'm not writing this blog for English experts or scholars, was my first response but then I thought about it for a while, at least this person cared enough to take the time to read this and cared enough to be honest with me. So that got me thinking about truly being honest. there's a thin line between being honest and being mean. I'm about to do a review on a album that is very important to a friend of mine and I hope that he appreciates the honestly in the review and knows that I actually listen to it as a friend of  music and not just a friend of his.....

Monday, January 2, 2012

Am I crazy???? I feel like sometimes I'm crazy. I watched a documentary just now called Inside Job. Now keep in mind that there are parts of this movie that I don't understand, but the parts that I did understand really pissed me off. I get so mad when I think that all I have is my common sense and still I can see whats wrong with this country. How in the world can we allow these bank people to give million dollar bonus while the people they are screwing are losing there houses, cars, and most likely there credit rating for the rest of there lifes? Its like the bailout, they give the banks millions to save them from  going bankrupt and then the bank gives them self a million dollar bonus.... Hows that work? That's like me giving someone $800 for there rent and I see them the next day out buying a new Xbox 360. I mean how mad would you be? But yet we let it happen. As long as people like that run Washington things will never get better, and how long can it go on before it all breaks down?  

The New Year & Resolutions

 So it's a new year and lets hope that it brings great things to me and everyone I know. I would like to take a min. and thank everyone who gave me a min.of there time by stopping by and reading this blog. I hope that in the coming year I can make this blog a lot more popular, and I also hope to get some other people posting stories and blogs here as well. As far as resolutions I don't have many for this year, one I as Im sure about everyone else hope to get in better shape this year, also I hope that I can post a blog every chance I get. I had a whole thing wrote up on how I felt that resolutions were just and excuse to eat everything you could before the first and say.."I'm going on a diet the first... "  but then I realized that's what I was doing, so I'll just let that one go. Please if anyone reading this blog has any ideas on how I could make the site better or a topic I should cover or a band that I should review, feel free to drop me a line at